As our connection to everything grows, even walking by a store, our phones can alert us to relevant sales. I understand and it is cool and useful but on the flip side, you have to wonder if this much constant internet connection will be good. That topic for another blog, read on to this interesting article by Jenna Erickson.
The forefront of Internet of Things functionality is at our doorstep. Our vehicles unlock automatically, our thermostats adjust to our preferences automatically, and soon with the implementation of bluetooth beacons, any interaction or communication will be automated. This emerging ‘Internet of Things’ revolution is making itself apparent in every walk of life.
A bluetooth beacon is a receiver that interacts with a mobile application on a user’s device. Eventually, beacons are going to be everywhere; they will radically change the way in which we interact with the world around us. Their potential uses can be as diverse as using them in airports and sports arenas, to retail and grocery stores. Some initial functions developers have put out there include geofencing, which creates some what of an ‘in-facility’ map where if a user passes a beacon, information can be sent about a product in the vicinity.
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