The workplace today is more competitive than ever, demanding everyone do more with less. Adapting to these constraints, and training staff to do the same, is one of the biggest challenges facing leaders in UX design, technical writing, and eLearning today. Read on to explore the five most important trends for leadership now and in the near future.
Developing Leaders
Not everyone is prepared to take on a leadership role. Some workers who have knowledge and skills in UX design or eLearning may not have mastered imparting that information to others yet are still thrust into a leadership position. These first-time managers, aka accidental leaders, need additional support from the existing leadership structure if they are to succeed. Too often the leadership assumes that because someone is skilled at technical writing, they will be able to transfer that knowledge to others. Without some program or person to guide these accidental leaders in how to handle things like team building and strategic thinking, they can fail.
Embracing Change
Another growing trend is the need to assist team members in adapting to the constant change found in the modern marketplace. Helping employees manage the stress and pressure that come with innovation can help alleviate burnout. More and more leaders and companies are doing this via a focus on healthy lifestyle choices, including encouraging self-care for their staff. The result is better work performance, improved decision making and a more adaptable workforce.
Strengthening the Workforce
Those who are new to the workplace often possess a familiarity with the latest technology, while more seasoned professionals can be more comfortable in a leadership role. The dilemma for those in charge is bridging the two experiences, so that younger staff gain the management skills to match their digital fluency and long-term team members are able to get up to speed with the latest technological applications.
Welcoming Innovation
Today’s leadership needs to be focused on ways to help their staff, and themselves, embrace change. Working more collaboratively and quickly is essential for success in today’s work world. Therefore, effective leaders need to not only tolerate change, but must also seize the opportunity to begin thinking in more strategic and interdependent ways.
Horizontal development has been the driving force in the past for leaders, keeping them focused on acquiring new skills. While this is still necessary, understanding how to be adaptive in today’s fast-paced and unpredictable workplace requires a new focus on collaboration and cooperation.
Advancing Women
More women have achieved senior management roles in recent years, but the momentum has begun to slow. Research shows that a higher number of female leaders increases an organization’s financial performance and improves job satisfaction and engagement for all employees. Women have been encouraged to take ownership at work and find solutions, but there is still a real need for leaders to eradicate underlying biases that continue to hamper a path forward for female leaders in their organizations. Take the time to review existing policies, revise them and foster a new path that encourages women for the benefit of all employees.